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Silent Hill HD Collection
Customer Reviews
Silent Hill HD Collection Customer Reviews
Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Zavvi.
Silent but Violent
3If you've never played Silent Hill 2 or 3, then this is a good opportunity to do so. They're both enjoyable games with a creepy atmosphere and vulnerable protagonists. The controls can take a bit of getting used to if you've never played a silent hill or early resident evil game, but once you've played for ten minutes you should be more than capable of surviving. Difficulty wise there are several settings, the easiest setting really does give you a chance to explore Silent Hill with no qualms about dying. However the harder settings is what this game is supposed to be played at as it adds to the horror element of the title. The graphics are pretty crisps and the re-recorded dialogue sounds a lot better than the stilted performances of the original, but it's a nice addition that you can switch between the two. This is old school puzzle solving too, so there's no arrow indicating to where you should go to next, luckily there are tonnes of FAQ's online if you do get stuck. So if you're new to this series, take a look, it's a decent price and is a creepy journey. If you have played the originals however, you may want to stay clear. The port is not kind to the original, so you'd be better off to dust off your ps2 and play it on that. Both games still stand up to the test of time and are a good play through for survival horror fans.
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silent hill hd collection
4Silent hill titles in recent years have failed to capture the intense horror of the originals. This HD collection is a must have for survival horror fans. Despite their age they can still frighten, and I recommend playing them in the dark for maximum scares.
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Silent Hill HD
5First off, let me start by saying that Silent Hill is a great collection. Ok, so it's a shame that the original is not included as that is a huge part of Silent Hill, it does however have 2 and 3 and, must I say, 2 is probably one of the best games I have ever played. The graphics haven't been changed much more just touched up and that is a great thing as it keeps most of the original feel that made this game so great in the first place. It takes you back which is also great. I'd recommend this to anyone new to Silent Hill as the originals are better than the latest installments. I'd also recommend this to original Silent Hill fans as it's a chance to relive these classics in the world of today.
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Silent Hill HD Collection
5If you are a fan of Silent Hill and have played these two games, back in the day, I would say they are a must have. SH2 is the better of the two for me. A quite disturbing tale of somebody who can't face losing someone they have loved. Very faithful to the originals, but obviously made to run on todays tech. I would say despite being HD the visuals aren't a huge leap from when they first came out, but being able to run it 1080p and on a large t.v it makes them a bit better. SH3 is quite different to 2 as you play a girl and it is a lot faster paced than 2. Still, it is quite a chilling tale mixed with SH's strange monsters. Plenty of puzzle solving to do in both, plus stories within stories in the letters and books you find lying about. Great stuff, a good mix of action and problem solving.
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Silent Hill HD Collection Customer Reviews