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Dante's Inferno (Platinum)
Customer Reviews
Dante's Inferno (Platinum) Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Zavvi.
dantes inferno
5Dante's Inferno is an epically awesome game.
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Great game.
5Great game. The christian hell is petty scary!
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Excellent game, it looks like GOD OF WAR
5Excellent game! I recommend it for all players that enjoy adventure games in the same way of GOD OF WAR. The game graphics are very beautiful and the story is awesome.
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Action non stop
5Dante's Inferno is a great game for all the lovers of action games, with a great storyline, awesome moves, and good graphics. A must have for the lovers of games like God Of War.
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Dante's Inferno Review
4When planning a videogame, classical literature isn't the first source material that comes to mind. For centuries, the Western concept of the afterlife has been framed by Dante's The Divine Comedy, which terrified and enraptured people with its journey through the lands of the dead. After all, wandering through bleak environments and simply talking to suffering people doesn't sound like engaging videogame material. Then Visceral Games and Electronic Arts came along, adding an action premise and some poetic license to create the game, Dante's Inferno. While it is a visually striking tour of Hell itself, the gameplay feels derivative, like a weaker version of God of War. This repetitive quality, combined with significantly flawed combat, keeps the game from being a truly great experience. At its core, the story of Dante's Inferno is about a man's fight to save the woman he loves. Dante is a young crusader who becomes disenchanted with war and returns to his fiancée Beatrice in Florence. When he arrives, he finds his house destroyed and Beatrice lying dead outside. Even worse, as he approaches, Lucifer appears and steals away her soul, dragging her screaming into the depths of Hell. Dante chases them through the circles of Hell, trying to save his love before she is lost forever. He faces his own sins and mistakes before a final showdown with the fallen angel. Now, any game with levels based around the sins found in the Divine Comedy is likely to have its mature moments. Dante's Inferno literally pushes the Mature rating to its most extreme point, as you'll pass scenes of souls being tortured, loads of violence, and plenty of male and female nudity from level to level. Obviously, this is not a game for kids, but much of what you see is appropriate for a game that tries to explore the extreme nature of Hell and its punishments. At times, you do feel sorry for the people and creatures trapped there. On the other hand, there are times when the game seems to include things just for shock value – like monsters that project human genitalia as a ranged attack. Prepare to hack and slash through some twisted creatures. Prepare to hack and slash through some twisted creatures. Combat is a key component of any action game, and Dante's Inferno is no different. Dante primarily uses his scythe to hack through demons and other malevolent creatures that get in his way. He can also wield the power of the cross as a ranged attack to keep monsters at a distance. When you destroy a beast, you acquire its soul. If you're thinking it sounds like God of War, you're not too far off. In fact, if you've played any one of Kratos' adventures, you'll be able to pick up and play through the Inferno with no problems. The game gives soul collection a new twist with the holy and unholy meter. When attacking an enemy, you can perform a finishing move that lets you "judge" a creature. Perform a Punishment by destroying them with your scythe and you'll earn Unholy points. Absolve their spirit by blasting them with your cross and you'll earn Holy points. Collecting points helps you to gain levels and purchase new attacks and abilities. As a result, you can customize your Dante's skills based on how you like to play and get additional boosts by collecting relics. These are holy and unholy relics that provide unique bonuses like regenerative magic, increased damage, or evasion enhancement. You are at the mercy of a fixed camera, but once it's loaded, Dante's Inferno streams the entire game seamlessly, which is an impressive feat. Ambient sound is strong as well, from the lamenting cries of the damned to the screams of the creatures as they are killed. The soundtrack is notable, thanks to the orchestral score and choral presentation. The delivery of some lines can be hit or miss, but for the most part, the voice acting is solid.
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Very good game
4Dante's inferno's theme is based on the hell section of Dante's Divine Comedy. I read some part of the poem itself 7 or 8 years ago and i think the theme of the game really gives the impression of the darkness of the hell section of the poem. Actually,Dante's is just a poet; not an action adventure hero or a knight like in the game; but the characters and the background hell theme is very good and really gives the impression of being in somewhere wicked and twisted. The gameplay part is like the God of War games. Nothing much of new actually. Puzzles are mostly like God of War too. The weapons and magic used by Dante are really original, esspecially the main weapon and the holy cross magic are really impressive. The cinematics are well produced and directed. Sound editing is good and detaied. Also voice acting is good but i think could be better. Voice acting of Beatrice could be better in my opinion. Very good game, and enjoing...If you are really into third person and dark stories...this game is for you.
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Wellcome to Hell
5Is a great game! Also, is totally in spanish, so is easy to play. Very funny and addictive. Good game! If you enjoyed God of War III, you will like it!
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dantes poem
4I down the demo in xbox and the truth is that I have liked it I am charmed with having to give a series of buttons to climb at the head of the enemy, this one very well made at least what they leave us to see in the demo, am a good idea to use dante's poem as reference to break it facing a few in the very same hell though not if the end of the game tendra a happy end, in end I it put in my list of in wait together with the bayonetta that also since play the demo my opinion I change radically.
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So far So Awesome !
5I, like most game crazy nuts played the demo online, then I like most game crazy nuts who have played Inferno online immediately preordered it with our favorite game supplier. There are a couple of good games out there in the same kind of style like Bayoneta & God of war, in my opinion this is even better. The game play was awesome, the controls good, its ram jammed with violence, gore and horror, but the story is much more than that and is actually quite original. The graphics are quite simply breathtaking I thought i was watching the game take place in front of my own eyes. I was also impressed with the veriety and originality of the characters and found them the best I have played in recent times I have just received my full version of the game today and so far I am not disapointed, its everything the demo offered so far and more ! A MUST, MUST BUY !
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Dante's Inferno (Platinum) Customer Reviews
