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Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition - Platinum
Customer Reviews
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition - Platinum Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Zavvi.
Best Batman game so far
5The complexity and depth which is given to the making of the game makes it a must have, For anyone who ever loved Batman this is a nobrainer. SO buy it ASAP :D
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Become the Dark Knight You've always wanted to be!
5The licensed Games, especially those on heroes and superheroes, have always moved great expectant and charm for the fans, and, because of this, at the output of the Title, it may result in a great success, or in a big disappointment. Batman:A.A also makes no difference, and, Fortunately for us, he only found the way to success. The Plot is really well thought out, with an atmosphere and events typicals of the adventures of the guardian of Gotham, and the Two protagonists have the right energy and charisma needed to fully engage the player in the sensations of the Asylum, which is a sort of third protagonist in the game, in its atmosphere of chaos and madness created by the Joker. But is right the Joker the second protagonist, he isn't a simple enemy to defeat, he is always present, with his madness, his wickedness, that lead the player to the way to defeat him, but also led him to laugh, and to be surprised, for the actions, and reactions of this crazy maniac, in every moment in the game. The others characters, goods and evils, are very attractive too, especially the enemies, some of the best known and loved villains of the DC Comic, and their biographies are a simply source of enjoyment for everyone. The Gameplay is very simple but effective, and is well divided between chaotic fight parts and quieter and investigative parts, and it managed to really make feel the player as the dark knight. The duration of the game is not incredible, but the various riddles of Edward managed to stretch the permanence on the island, and, finished the game, the challenges, of fighting and hunting, will offer you a very attractive and demanding challenge. To conclude, this masterpiece is really recommended for all, fan or not.
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nice game
4Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition is really interesting. Batman is for sure one of the best games I've ever played.
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Great game
5Fans of Batman, or the universe of The Arkam, Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition is for you The gaming, the design and the History are perfect. I love the version of Batman Lego, but the Arkham Asylum is the Perfect game for me right now! I give it 5 stars because i love the dark atmospheric and the gaming.
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Batman, great game
4Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition works great and the game is really fun. It's all that you expect from a Batman game. Fan or not, it is a good adventure game to play.
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Finally, Batman gets a game adaptation he deserves
5After years of bad and mediocre at best video game adaptations, the cape crusader gets an adaptation he deserves. I wanted to play Batman: Arkham Asylum ever since I saw the first demo for the first time and it didn't disappoint. It has a superb voice cast from Kevin Conroy, Mark Hammil and many others who you will probably recognize from the Animated Batman, and many other adaptations. The graphics are great, the gameplay is excellent, addictive and it has great replay value because of the riddles and other unlockable stuff. If you like to finish a game on 100% expect a ton of stuff and hours and hours of game time. You can also download the Joker DLC, so you can play as him in challenge maps. There is a high attention to detail, so expect your Batsuit to decay over the course of the night in which you have to save the city from the Joker, the environment around you changes several times throughout the game. Batman Arkham Asylum sets the bar high for super hero video game adaptations. So if you are a Batman fan or a fan of action adventure, stealth games definitely buy it.
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A great game for the BatFans and others
5You have very easy and fluent controls, you will find yourself mastering the Bat's moves and gadgets in minutes. The only problem I had was getting stuck on something a lot when I started running in tight places. The IA is nothing special, they will attack you and try to get weapons to hurt you. Still, if you want to make a big combo, you will have to work for it. The scenarios are quite good, and detailed, so are the characters, and you will find a lot of familiar ones through the game, and have others referenced in the riddler riddles (and this is one of the best parts in the game). The voices are great and very suitable for the characters, and the music also has its moments, such as in action moments with lots of enemy. I never read any of the Batman comics, but I became a fan of it through playing the game. All the bio's and references in the game really helps you to explore this world. If you are a Batman fan you definitely should buy the game. If you're not, but you like Action games, you really must give it a try. You'll love it.
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5I bought this game when it came out for the PC. When I finished it I was stoned. The graphics,story and the gameplay is just phenomenal. As you can notice you play as the Batman - never heard who the Batman is? hmm just check any comic website and you'll see. Anyways yeah the gameplay it's just classic button mashin' but it's just so cool and adictive that you wont stop spaming the buttons randomly like a maniac- which is cool. Graphics are absolutly awsome and you're eyes won't seperate from the monitor. With this Game of the year verson you can play in 3D! yeah 3D and you'll get two pairs of glasses too, and it's even more cooler with that. This is a MUST-BUY game and trust me you won't regreet it!
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Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition - Platinum Customer Reviews
