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Mass Effect 3
Customer Reviews
Mass Effect 3 Customer Reviews

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Review of Mass Effect 3
4Started off very good as is expected of the series, got a little disapointed with some of the choices and writing elements in the game, as well as the shortage of real side quests. The ending is better than most say, but the extended cut DLC improves it. Kind of mixed bag of good and bad, but overall comes out good.
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Overall positive
4So, Mass Effect 3. I didn't want to expect too much of it, because I expected too much of ME2 and was (mildly) disappointed by it. However, I'm happy to say that I was not at all disappointed by what I found when I broke out my copy of ME3. For starters, they've given the graphics a serious overhaul. The characters are a LOT more detailed -- although as a minor gripe, some of the NPCs' appearances have changed just a tiny bit. I mean -- Ashley's a soldier! She's not supposed to look that pretty! Shepard has also had a bit of a makeover, and although the basic features have stayed the same (you can still import your character from ME2), the quality looks a lot better. And for those who want to explore the romance options available, well, let's say there's eye candy regardless whether you like guys or girls. (Man, is it even POSSIBLE to have muscles that big IRL?) The dialogue and cutscenes are (as always) impressively done, and the improved graphical quality really shows here. There were only a very few places where wonky facial shadows were obvious, and even then they were less obvious than in the earlier games. However, I did find some of the 'positive' and 'negative' dialogue options to be less distinct from each other than I'd hoped. And the Paragon and Renegade conversation options confused me -- unlike in the first two games, it appeared that both were always available, regardless of my reputation points. Gameplay differs in feel from the first two games, partly because (IMO) the enemies are smarter, and partly because they just *look* different -- a lot more realistic, once again the improved graphics at work. The weapon weight mechanic was interesting, I thought, allowing you to choose between going armed to the teeth versus a lighter load but faster power use. My preference was an Infiltrator with only a sniper rifle and lightweight SMG -- I could pretty much spam any power as often as I felt the need to. All in all, I would have given the game 5/5 except for one thing -- one of the lamest endings I've ever seen in a game. Now, don't get me wrong, the ending was well done, just like the rest of the game. But after the first two Mass Effect games, you would expect to defeat the bad guys and emerge victorious in the ending credits, right? Well, I'll try not to spoil it too much for new players, but let's just say that there are three possible ending choices you are given -- and none of them is the "everyone lives happily ever after" option. Now, as I said, the endings weren't badly done; I just found myself a little disappointed that after all I'd been through in getting to the end of the game (damn it, I united the entire friggin' GALAXY to fight these guys!), these were all the choices I got -- and more so since nothing before that in the game led me to expect it to end that way. However, despite my complaints about the ending, I still give this game 4/5 for all-around enjoyment. I definitely recommend grabbing a copy if you at all enjoy this style of game, though perhaps if you haven't played the first two you might enjoy yourself more by getting hold of those first. Anyway, I'm off for my second play-through, this time with a badass renegade solder ...
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Mass Effect 3
5Mass Effect 3 is an excellent addition to the RPG genre. I can't comment on the ending, as I've not reached that part yet. I've spent quite some time replaying my previous Mass Effect games for a good character to transfer over. What I have played of it though, got me hooked for 8 hours of gameplay. I highly reccomend Mass Effect 3 for anyone, regardless of whether they have the previous titles or not.
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Mass Effect 3
5Overall, Mass Effect 3 has some flaws, but it's still an excellent game and worth your time, particulary as a returning player. For new players, the game rewrites some the dialogue to bring you to speed, but returning players will probably have the more satisfying game in terms of story. The combat system is much improved, as are the interactions on your ship. Some stripping of dialogue choices annoying, but they're not a game breaker. The choices you make, appear to matter on the journey - the final destination is a little confusing and lacks closure, but free Extended Cut DLC may improve this in the summer.
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Mass Effect 3
3The main frustration with Mass Effect 3 is the video cutscenes. If you like action-packed shoot-em-up games, I'll warn you - you will spend most of your time being forced to watch the numerous cut scenes. I always play on the hardest difficulty level, which in this case, is called "insane", but I found it virtually impossible to beat, and the game will not allow you to chose a lower level in order to move on, so I had to start a new game on hardcore difficulty level. Everything else, is excellent.
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3This game is quite good. Combat is best in the trilogy, characters are mostly well designed; not as polished as in ME2 though. A lot of critique towards the game, some for a reason, some not so justified. Story quests has few epic highlights. Mostly bland/repetitive/chore-like side quests.
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Mass Effect 3
5Mass Effect 3 is a very good game. If you liked the two other Mass Effect games, then it is definitely for you!
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Mass Effect 3
5As always another wonderful game from Bioware. I have played Mass Effect from the beginning, so naturally could not wait to get my hands on the 3rd installment. Well worth the buy, and if you haven't already played them the previous 2 games were also excellent.
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4I like Mass Effect 3. I most liked the option to choose my history. I was expecting more but good game.
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Epic game
5After not really getting too into the first two, I decided to give three a shot since all the reviews were extremely positive. After playing for a few hours I got hooked straight away and with hours and hours of gaming available with side missions, quests, explorations and all sorts, you get a huge amount of gaming hours for your money. Played it for a total of 20 plus hours in total and completed it, still didn't manage to do all the side quests so you can easily achieve over 20 hours of gaming if played through properly. The ending was simple and for all the people who complain I definitely think it's justified. Make a few choices and the game will end in different ways. Just how you need a huge scale game like Mass Effect to be. Funnel all of the experience down to a simple good/bad kind of ending. Altogether, very very happy with the game and will definitely be playing through the campaign again, and trying it online to see how good it lives up to in the multiplayer department.
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Mass Effect 3 Customer Reviews
