Set two generations before the destruction of Superman’s home planet, KRYPTON follows Seg-El (series star CAMERON CUFFE), the legendary Man of Steel’s grandfather — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed. With Krypton’s leadership in disarray, Seg-El encounters Earthly time-traveler Adam Strange (series star SHAUN SIPOS) who warns he’s under the clock to save his beloved world from chaos. Fighting to redeem his family’s honor and protect the ones he loves, Seg is also entrusted with protecting the future of his legacy – a destiny that will see the birth of the greatest Super Hero ever known. The first season of KRYPTON follows Seg’s rise from a disenfranchised youth, trapped in a life with no future or hope, to become an iconic hero in the mold of his grandson. Seg is prompted into action by the arrival of Adam Strange, who’s traveled from present-day Earth to warn Seg of an insidious plot to change the past and prevent the birth of the last son of Krypton – a plot he believes to have been orchestrated by the super-villain Brainiac (series star BLAKE RITSON).