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Only God Forgives - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook
Customer Reviews
Only God Forgives - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Zavvi.
only god forgives, hope not
5Strange, beautiful and certainly memorable for the movie !!! And for Zavvi as always fantastic with fast free delivery and excellent pricing
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back better than front
4this one has an excellent artwork on the back with the flowers but the front could have been choosen better -for example an cover like the german mediabook with the neon dragon/devil on it! then it would be an absolute killer steelbook, but still good like this though.
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Only God Forgives Steel
5Having not seen the film yet, I can be an impartial reviewer of the steelbook - which looks great. In no need of emboss/debossing as the artwork stands well alone. Especially like the inside artwork - very well designed and nice and simple! Great release
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5As a massive Drive fan I was really looking forward to seeing what Gosling and Refn could do next. I wasn't disappointed and while it maybe isn't for everyone I found the story of revenge and punishment very engaging. The blu ray is truly stunning and the steelbook looks great on my shelf!
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Only God Can Forgive
2Well what to say ........... If your looking for another slow brooding performance form Ryan Gosling you will definitely find it here. But do not think that your in for another Drive as this films seems to have been a car crash. It doesn't really make any sense and is hard to follow. I'm not sure even if the actors know what's going on as there are a lot of confused faces throughout . There are some nice bits of bloody violence but overall the film lacks any real sense of a story and fails miserably to live up to the combination of Gosling and Winding Refn in Drive. The steelbook design is a little like the film itself dark, colourful and pointless.
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Only God Forgives
4The film is a little bit weird and not Ryan Gosling's best movie to date, but the steelbook is awesome and definitely catches the eye.
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Only God forgives steelbook
3Still not sure about this film. I loved Drive (as most people do), so was very excited to see this, expecting more of the same. This film is completely different from Drive, which is a good thing. But it is so different that some people might be disappointed. It is beautifully shot, every image is gorgeous. It is also very slow and deliberate in its plot and pacing. Very surreal and dreamlike. It is also very violent, but then it is a Nicholas Refn Winding film. I think I need to watch it a few times more to mine the deeper meaning beneath the surface, because I am pretty sure there is one. The steelbook like the film is very different and unusual. The image on the front is very striking and I like the colours. A bit of embossing would have been nice. The inner art is the same flower design as the back. I would have preferred a different image inside, but it is still very nice. So if you fancy a beautifully shot, violent, strange, unusual and challenging film then give it a go.
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Only lettering to be forgiven
4Overall it is an extremely good looking Steelbook. The artwork is neat, simple and very appealing. There's inside artwork and it adopts the same style used in the back cover of the Steelbook. My only complaint goes to the lettering finish which is poor and barely visible. The red and black aren't really the best contrast colors. Whereas in the front cover might be a conceptual option by the designer/illustrator by not having the lettering popping up, on the spine the lettering should be more noticeable but unfortunately it is practicable unreadable.
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only god forgives
5Steelbook is awesome!
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Promising but ultimately strange
3Having not read anything about this movie before watching, I expected a lot, having been a huge fan of both actor and director in Drive. The movie starts off with good promise, but showed flashes of David Fincher type oddity, not a bad thing you might say. I don't want to ruin it with spoilers, but this movie ultimately left me going "humph" at the end, and I'm not hater of strange movies, but the ending left me thinking "why did I bother" and the mrs saying "why do you pick mad movies". The karaoke scenes are lol and weird.
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Only God Forgives - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook Customer Reviews
