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Filth - Steelbook Edition
Customer Reviews
Filth - Steelbook Edition Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Zavvi.
5Great looking steelbook, especially love the inside artwork. Very nice! The film is great as well. A brilliant performance from James McAvoy.
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Brilliant movie
5This movie might be seen as a little weird but I prefer to see it as different in a good way. It really made me feel a lot of different things, good and bad. It definitly took me on an emotional journey, that's exactly what I think a film should do. It make you think. Exceptional performance by James McAvoy. Plus this steelbox is just a beauty in your movie shelf.
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5The film itself is amazing. Really surprised I hadn't heard more about it. McAvoy is unbelievably good. I can't recommend it enough. The steelbook design and colours are striking and fantastic but I did suffer from the popping front cover that another review mentioned however mine was fortunately unnoticeable unless handling the steelbook so I didn't mind at all.
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Great film, okay steelbook
4I love the film but have it in mind to return the steelbook if not too late as their is an outward dent almost on the front of it that pops back and forth when pressed, it's hard to describe but I hate thinking that mine isn't as perfect as some other people's versions seem to be. The design is perfect though
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5Nice steelbook, but be careful with the shipment because it's very fragile.
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5The product reached us in record time and all was as described . Thank you again. Alan
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Pure Filth
4This film definitely lives up to its title but that's a good thing. You need a sick twisted mind to appreciate this film (luckily for me I have one). I found this movie very funny, quite disgusting and wrong on so many levels, but that's what made it so entertaining. A film for a lads night in.
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crazy ride
4Mad from start to finish.
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Filth !!!!!!!!
5As a reader of most of Irvine Welsh material I was very keen to see how this story would transfer to film. I was incredibly impressed that they didn't hold back on the dark comedy and drama of the book. The performance of mcavoy as Bruce Robertson had me at times in stitches and other times totally immersed in his demons. As for the steelbook i would say the back and front cover art are great choices the dark blue and bright yellow work excellently as contrasts and the embossing is well picked out on the (ladder) !!?!???!?!! The inside artwork is also a tongue in cheek piece of brilliance as is the front and back. All in all it is the perfect choice for collectors that are a bit sick of Disney and Pixar steelbooks and are looking for a more adult piece in their collection. A must buy for any collector just remember to put it on a shelf your kids can't get to!!!!!!!!!!
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Filth Steelbook
5This I a fantastic steelbook well worth getting because it's embossed on the front with the ladder of cocain and title of film embossed and on the back it's embossed with a man riding a pig.. Perfect for steelbook collectors as not many double embossed steelbooks around.. This also seems to be the only place you can get this steelbook as not seen it anywhere else.. And there is limited stock so get it now before it's to late. Right now about the film: great film adapted from the book fantastic acting best of British :)
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Filth - Steelbook Edition Customer Reviews
