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Face Off - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook
Customer Reviews
Face Off - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Zavvi.
4Good Hollywood action plenty of it! Worthy addition to collection
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you have to watch this film, its great
5i'm only a short time placing orders with Zavvi and so far i have no reason to change .My orders arrieve on time, they are so well packed and the service is top notch to....thank you very much.......
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an intelligent action thriller...
5A film that just doesn't leave you bored in any way CAGE-TRAVOLTA. like a match to a barrel of dynamite. When it actually came to the theatre back in the day I remember everyone that left was enthusiastic. If I am not mistaken it was John Woo's first jump into Hollywood. Loved it then love it now. He grabbed the bull by the... & made a truly action film with all the trimmings. The steelbook is simple in design, could have had the bullet hole in the glass embossed. Fits nicely into any decent collection.
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Great product
5Zavvi did an awesome job! I shop here when they have a completely different and unique steelbook cover from the norm! This movie came within a decent time, and in perfect condition!
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5Good condition steel book. Arrived in excellent packaging for protection.
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Worth it
5Great movie, great steel book, it came quickly and have made further purchases for zavvi because of it
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Great film
4Great film. Haven't seen it in years so when I saw zavvi was doing a steelbook I had to get it. The design is a little basic. Could have been better but it nice none the less
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5This steelbook looks amazing on the website, but even better in person! 10/10
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okay looking
3Not much thought went into the design, would have been better off with the faces however at such a great price too much of a bargain to pass up
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face off
5nice looking steelbook and a great film,this is a must have for any steelbook collector,travolta and cage together,awesome
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Face Off - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook Customer Reviews
