Four English tourists find themselves stranded in the mysterious village of Karlsbad, a sinister and remote place of deadly, dark legend. Their journey leads them to an abandoned castle where a nightmarish destiny awaits them. However, it wasn’t just fate that brought them here, but an evil force in need of resurrection, a blood craving beast known only as Count Dracula, Prince Of Darkness. Released in 1966 this is Christopher Lee’s second outing as Dracula, with Hammer pushing the cinematic boundaries of graphic gore and terror.
- Commentary featuring Christopher Lee, Suzan Farmer, Francis Matthews & Barbara Shelley
- World of Hammer episode "Hammer Stars: Christopher Lee
- "BACK TO BLACK" Documentary
- Super 8mm
- Behind the Scenes footage
- Restoration comparison
- Trailer
- Double bill trailer
- Original USA Titles
- Original Print UK Theatrical Titles