The final 12 episodes from the Japanese anime. Skilled high school student Daichi (voice of Miyu Irino) has the ability to control a special laser known as the Livlaster which allows him to pilot the Earth Engine. He becomes a key figure in mankind's battle against an alien race but he will need to make some allies to help him win the fight. The episodes are: 'A Maiden's Tear That Sparkled Through the Night', 'True Self', 'Her Flare', 'The Knights of Midsummer', 'Onslaught Through the Wilderness', 'Your Smile Means Everything', 'Satellitejack', 'The Meaning of a Captain', 'The Operation Summer', 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', 'Auberon' and 'Captain Earth'. The fate of the world is looking grim. The Kill-T-Gang has been steadily increasing their members with the recruitment of Designer Children. Against Daichi and Teppei alone, the odds are not in their favour and the Midsummer’s Knights are facing potential ruin. But it’s not just outside opposing forces that everyone has to be wary of, as internal turmoil threatens to equally destroy. Can everyone overcome these problems or will Setsuna win the war for Earth’s Orgone energy?