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Interview: Sophia Lillis, Jaeden Martell And Wyatt Oleff On IT

Interview: Sophia Lillis, Jaeden Martell And Wyatt Oleff On IT
Emily Murray
Editor5 years ago
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In 2017 It blew us away quickly becoming a cultural phenomenon, and then earlier this year It Chapter Two did it again.

For us one of the highlights of both films is the kids' charming performances, being very much the heart and soul of the series.

Zavvi chatted to Sophia Lillis (Beverly Marsh), Jaeden Martell (Bill Denbrough) and Wyatt Oleff (Stanley Uris) at MCM Comic Con London about all things It, Pennywise, cosplay and their next projects.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Zavvi: So we saw It Chapter Two and loved it, it's just brilliant. What did you all think when you first saw the film?

Jaeden: It's okay...

Zavvi: Just okay? Not as good as the first one...

Jaeden: Not enough of the children if you ask me... nah, it's great.

Sophia: I didn't really know what to expect because we weren't in it as much, so I didn't get to see what was going to happen.

Jaeden: It was an interesting experience watching it for the first time, and really appreciating it as a movie, and for being its own movie. Just seeing everyone's performances and how they transformed was really cool.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Zavvi: Was it odd seeing a grown up version of yourselves on the screen?

Sophia: Yeah it was. I've played younger versions of people before, but I have never had someone play me before. It felt very different.

Zavvi: And did you expect It to be that big when you first took on the roles?

Wyatt: No. I think we all didn't expect it. I was kind of scared to do the role because I wasn't a big fan of horror films and so I thought filming one, that's going to be horrible.

Sophia: Why did you do it then?

Wyatt: Well I didn't want to, but my mum made me do it. True story. But it was great, meeting these guys. We are grateful for everything, and just seeing the reaction at Comic Con, it's huge for us.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Zavvi: What was Pennywise like on set, as that make-up is incredible? Was it sometimes scary?

Jaeden: Yeah sometimes, when he was getting into character. He'd be walking around and laughing.

Zavvi: During filming, did it feel like you were in a horror movie, or was it more relaxed?

Wyatt: Didn't feel like it at all. For the first half of the summer that we filmed, most of our scenes were outside in Canada and it was hanging out, having fun.

Zavvi: So we recently saw Knives Out Jaeden, it was amazing. Sophia and Wyatt, have you seen it yet?

Wyatt: Nope, but we are real excited.

Jaeden: It's really fun.

Warner Bros.

Zavvi: Going back to It Chapter Two, was it quite nostalgic returning to the set and film?

Wyatt: It was a bit weird being in the same city we filmed the first one in, and quite nostalgic being back. It was also a bit of deja vu, it was weird.

Zavvi: Had you seen each other between filming the two movies?

Wyatt: Yeah, of course. We were doing cons in between the films.

Zavvi: And did any of you know each other before filming the first film?

Wyatt: I knew Jeremy (Ben). We had worked on a pilot before that didn't get picked up.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Zavvi: Have you seen any It cosplays today?

Wyatt: Lots of Richies and Eddies.

Zavvi: Which one is the favourite you have seen so far?

Wyatt: There was a Pennywise, but it was like darker.

Jaeden: There were also these two girls. I feel like the real reason they did it was because they could only afford one pair of contacts, but they both had like half faces. Half was normal make-up, and the other half was Pennywise. It was cool!

Warner Bros. Pictures

Zavvi: If you could cosplay as anyone, who would you be?

Jaeden: Sophia Lillis.

Zavvi: As Bev or Sophia?

Jaeden: No, no, Sophia.

Sophia: I would like to see that.

Wyatt: I feel like a fun one, but pretty expensive one, would be the Doom Slayer, from the Doom games. It's just a really cool costume.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Zavvi: Finally what projects are you working on now, what can we see you in next?

Sophia: Me and Wyatt, we got a thing.

Zavvi: We worked on a Netflix show this past summer, it's called I'm Not Okay With This and it's from the director of The End Of The F*cking World, and the producers of Stranger Things. Sophia is the main character, it's clearly your show, you are great.

Sophia: He's actually the best thing in it.

You can watch out full interview with Sophia, Jaeden and Wyatt here:

It Chapter One and Two are available to order on home media now.

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Emily is a journalist and film critic who unashamedly cries at most movies having got too emotionally attached. When not at the cinema, she is at home cuddling her cat Holmes, whilst binge watching New Girl. She can be found on Twitter @emilyvmurray