You've gotta catch 'em all but some are worth catching more than others.
To celebrate Pokémon Day, we've dug deep into the Pokédex to uncover the top 10 most powerful Pokémon who roam the Nintendo world.
Pikachu may be the most iconic Pokémon, but our favourite little guy is nowhere to be seen on this list. And it goes without saying that Snorlax, this writer's personal fave (he loves sleeping, he's just like me for real) does not get within an inch of the top ten.
So, without further ado, here's the top 10 most powerful Pokémon, based on their impressive stat totals.
10. Ho-Oh

Referred to as the "Guardian Of The Skies" and noteworthy for being the first Legendary Pokémon to appear in the anime series, Ho-Oh excels in attacking (scoring 130), but is even better in special defence, where it records an impressive 154 points.
In the games, this Pokémon's legend is defined by the fact you'll see a rainbow behind its wings when it flies. It's safe to assume that this is what distracts its prey whenever they come in to attack.
9. Eternatus

Introduced towards the end of Sword & Shield, you are tasked with trying to catch this Poison Dragon Pokémon after it evolves from its Eternamax form (more on that a little later).
It is strongest in its special attack and speed powers (racking up 145 and 130 points respectively), which makes up for its fairly standard attack (85) and defence (95) points compared to some of the other creatures on this list.
However, the mighty 690 points all of its stats add up to make it the second most powerful Pokémon that doesn't need an item or fusion technique to gain its maximum strength.
8. Kyurem

In its base form, the Ice Dragon Pokémon Kyurem totals 660 points, making it weaker than the other entrants on this list so far.
However, the fifth generation of games (where the beast could be fused with either Zekrom or Reshiram to make Black or White Kyurem) helped this total rise to 700 - making it the most powerful Pokémon ever at the time of release.
White Kyurem has special attack points totaling a gob-smacking 170, with Black Kyurem's attack points equal the same figure.
7. Zygarde

When introduced in X & Y, Zygarde was a distinctly mid-tier Pokémon - but the release of Sun & Moon changed that, with Zygarde's complete form unleashed, racketing it up the charts to become one of the most powerful of all time.
Increasing from a 600 point total to a final tally of 708, a closer inspection shows that there are only modest increases in many categories - and its speed has actually deduced from the 50% form, from 95 points to 85.
Instead, the increase is almost entirely down to its hit point total, which has doubled from 108 to 216 points. So, whilst it may not be much more powerful, it can take one hell of a pummeling before finally getting knocked down.
6. Zacian

In its standard form, Zacian is one of the weaker Legendary Pokémon, with just 670 points. But that all changes when given the Rusted Sword, which propels it to 720 points and into the midst of the top ten.
The biggest change to its stats comes via an increase to its physical attack powers, jumping from an already impressive 130 to 170. You don't want to get on the wrong side of this guy.
5. Zamazenta

This Fighting Pokémon is another who would live outside of the top 20 were it not for the Rusted Shield, which helps increase its total points from 670 to 720.
The bulk of its new points fall into the defence and special defence categories, increasing from 115 to 145 in both.
However, this new power comes at a price; it may be a better defender, but its overall speed suffers a slight decrease when powering up, slipping from 138 points to 128 - not a bad total, but not as formidable as before.
4. Arceus

By far the most naturally powerful Legendary Pokémon, with 720 points, Arceus is the closest thing the Poké-world has to a God - and as such, has powers you won't find with any other.
These include Multitype, allowing it to change forms at will, telepathy, and the ability to control other Legendary Pokémon. This universe was created by Arceus and it's still fully in charge of it.
3. Rayquaza

However, as we're ranking based on the points total, Arceus will have to controversially make do with fourth place.
Rayquaza is already impressive on its own merits, with a 680 point total, but it climbs to 780 points upon evolution - and remains the only Pokémon that can Mega Evolve without the use of an item.
This adds a further boost to its attack and special attack totals, which already add to an impressive 300 prior to evolution.
2. Mewtwo

Mewtwo is actually tied with Rayquaza with 780 points after a Mega Evolution - but let's face it, if you had to pick one, you'd go with one of the original Legendary Pokémon wouldn't you?
One of the most powerful Pokémon you can obtain in the series, Mewtwo is also one of only two Pokémon that have two separate Mega Evolution forms, alongside Charizard.
1. Eternamax Eternatus

With 345 points more than its closest competitor, this Poison Dragon you fight in Sword & Shield is by far the most powerful you will ever encounter in the game, with a jaw dropping 1,125 point total.
Scoring 250 points in both defence and special defence, as well as 255 hit points, this is one powerful creature.
However, in levelling up from its original form, it does decrease in some areas: its special attack score drops 20 points from 145 to 125, even as its defence significantly improves.
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