Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

GBP 6.99

RRP: £54.99


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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

GBP 6.99

RRP: £54.99


Save: £48.00


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Customer Reviews

Overall Rating : 5.0 / 5 (12 Reviews)
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Top Customer Reviews

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Mgs 5 phantom pain 5*

Awesome game graphics story line 5 star for everything

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Excelent game

One of the best games for XBOX One. Fast delivery. Some problems with the version (not Day One) but solved after some inquire.

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With the latest influx of open world games that have come onto the market in 2015 and next gen consoles this makes an excellent addition to any collector, Snake Lover or Gamer. Having not personally played any of the other Metal Gear Solid games I was somewhat dubious of tackling this battle but I went ahead anyway. I normally settle for casual games of Fifa but always dabble with stealth games. Metal Gear Solid 5 is brilliant it is suitable for any action gamer weather you like the all action kill everyone in sight then it’s for you, if you want to patiently scope out every nook and cranny then this is for you if you want to combine the two whilst dumping bodies in dumpsters then again this is for you. Hundreds of hours of fun with the flexibility to customise your very own Mother Base which is a whole other level to this game. Brilliant in every way and whilst I write this I can’t wait to get back to Fultoning animals, people, guns and vehicles! Definition: Fulton 1. To extract vital resources, staff, vehicles or guns to use for your devices. 2. To attach a giant homing device balloon thingy to a variety of other things and send them home. Example: “After several attempts and tranquilizing a giant bear I finally got to fulton him back to my mother base”

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Great game always something to do and would recommend! Amazing game play and story as you expect if you have played MGS before!

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Great game, delivered within a couple of days of purchase, would recommend the product and shopping with Zavvi in general.

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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Day One Edition

This game is amazing and Zavvi delivered it super fast i would recommend this game and Zavvi too. All the DLC works , The game runs at a smooth 60fps on xbox one has good controls and you can put many hours into this game i highly recommend it :D

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Great game!

Awesome game. Best game so far for Xbox One. Arrived a couple of days late which was annoying but price was worth it.

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Best Metal Gear Solid Game Yet!!

I have been a long standing fan of the metal gear series and have tried my hand at every game, so when The Phantom Pain was announced I obviously was excited to get my hands on it. As the release date drew nearer and the many review began to poor in I was sure the game was going to be good and my excitement grew. Now that I've finally had the chance to play the game on day one (thanks to zavvi's great prices and delivery speed might I add) I have not been disappointed! The open world and game graphics instantly pull you into the world in front of you making the whole experience so real. I've not been able to stop playing and have had mang late nights slowly and methodically calculating the best way to achieve my goal. I would recommend this game to anyone who wants the experience of playing the epitome of what a stealth game should be.

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Thank you Hideo Kojima

Outstanding! What a game!! If you have been a fan of Metal Gear games as long as I have, you will no doubt appreciate how much I missed the pings, beeps and bops of the menu screen, and dreaded that startling alert sound effect when I'm spotted by an enemy. Continuing from the events of Ground Zeroes, you are thrown right into it. Not to spoil anything about the beginning other than say the beginning was intense! Cut to the chase here, I love Metal Gear games and if this is Hideo Kojima's swansong, he has created a game that is beautiful to behold and probably my favourite MGS game ever (not even near completed yet). It has so much tactical and stealth depth in combat, you can always take on or avoid the enemy out in the field in new exciting ways, especially as you build your arsenal and Motherbase. Speaking of which, you also get to recruit soldiers to help build Motherbase in a kind of army base building sim, I love it. This game looks gorgeous, plays wonderfully and I'd bet money you will have fun with this game. Just don't run into a base without recon first, otherwise you'll know exactly what I mean about the dreaded alert!

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An Excellent Game

Kojima really went all out with their final game of the seris. It is disappointing knowing that there will not be another game after 'The Phantom Pain'. Never the less though this game has been amazing since day one, the graphics on the next gen consoles are amazing aswell as the gameplay and mechanics. I will say though that there could be a few tweaks with different things for the game with the buddy system and the mother base, but my overall opinion on this game is it is a fantastic game to play if you enjoy free roaming games and you like to get creative with how you play the game.

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